Open Chat... All Day, Every Day! Express Your Views, Debate, and Challenge the Views of Others!

In order to keep up with the nature of free, spirited debate, I wanted to place the chat feature at the top of the homepage. This ensures people can come here and share their views on anything they wish and not have it be related to any specific discussion. Here, people can share ideas, links, and views "unmoderated" and an their own pace. To me, this makes The Elephant in the Room blog truly a place for debate.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Weekly News Headline and Debate Topic Forum 4/1/13

April Fool's!

Well, I really have nothing to fool anyone with, but I thought that it would be fun to center come of this week's discussion board on foolish things. For example:

"It's foolish that we send millions of dollars overseas while not being able to balance our budget."

You know... stuff like this.

What do you think? Share your thoughts on government/political foolishness, or anything of that matter, however you like, below.


  1. The PPACA will not add one dime to our debt; it will be deficit neutral.

